Oct 31, 2010

Purpose Of this forum

First of All A Humble Thanks to " Ilango Sir " (justnifty.blogspot.com) and "Rajgopal Sir" --Who Exist for a Noble Cause .

"Every Thing in this World lies at the Two Extremes"


As the saying goes if we apply the rule of pseudo science its true. Same is the case with market also . We have seen the great 2008 crash and then a whooping rally too.The question is How many  of us were really fortunate to Have the strawberries in our mouth.

In the Earlier post we had the rules of trading but in reality there is no rule and The only rule is that "Believe Yourself" & "Have Patience" & the market will follow you.

Coming to the point the purpose of this forum is not to  Predict the future but to make it today. Trading as such is a Calculative Gambling . If you trade for a day get money and move out you are the wisest person on earth . But then that is not trading that are the qualities of connoisseur. Better then don't trade because in losses it will be more of a mental loss.

Traders are like warriors the Battle never ends and so is the case with the Learning.A day never ends for the trader at 3.30 but it starts at 3.30. During Market hours we are just executing our trade plan.

The purpose here is to understand the market and especially Nifty Behavior . "A simple example States that when the buyers are twice the sellers at the resistance point short Nifty and vice-versa When the sellers are twice the buyers at the support level buy nifty ".No need to place a stop loss Just believe yourself and your are gonna win this battle.

These rules are not written any where but they are rules as said by the wisest persons in know till date.

Let this be as a preface to my Never Ending Journey --- Much to follow as I Learn More and More. Earning will always be a By Product .

Lets start with That Perfect Trade that doesn't have a Stop Loss .. 




  1. Dear Nimesh,

    Congratulations and Best wishes on your new voyage. But a word of caution...
    We Indians have great initiative,bad consistency and the worst finish. The effort to launch your blog could have been propelled by your eagerness and enthusiasm. But keeping it enriched consistently with pots of honey to draw the bees is difficult, which requires lot of your time in gathering the right knowledge to share. You will feel frustrated with low interest evinced by friends initially and even at midway. But you must carry on. Any break to update on daily basis will wean away the few initial ardent visitors. So work hard friend. You have couple of great advantages. Primarily your ulterior motive is blogging for fun and sharing. (not making money through it). Secondly I sincerely believe you have something to offer with sound tech studies. So all the very best. My suggestion would be to invite friends as rp,Yoda,Sujatha,Mynac,Mok,Aarvee,Sriganesh,Piyush Sharda, Pankaj ... to contribute guest columns. Request friends at JNU to visit at EOD/Premarket for your understanding/analysis.

    The woods are lovely long and deep
    But you have made a Promise - so keep (it)
    Miles to go before you sleep
    And miles to go before you sleep
    (tainted version of a great poem)

    How Differently Good you are going to be will decide the attraction to your blog. That is the real challenge.

    God Bless You.
    PS: Please remove my name from the top line - it diminishes the value of the other name in the line. There are much more learned seniors at JNU.

  2. Hi..Nimesh,


    My best wishes for a glorious journey in this world we call as "Market".. You are on your own here and with "Patience & Perseverance", you can do wonders here provided you have a better grip on your temperament.

    Blogging, not only allows you to share your thoughts but, helps you stay objective and focused.

    Best regards.

